Return the King's hugs and kisses
Dear King Henrik or something the Fourth,
I will gladly go defeat the Demon King. Anything for more of your hugs and kisses.
However, I am unsure how to defeat the Demon King, since I am unfit, have no friends, etc.
Love, hugs and kisses,
Hero Bobybillibabobaba Buzzbuzzbitbop
Hero Buzzbuzzbitbop,
You see, there is one thing you have more than anyone else.
Free time.
You literally have nothing else to do with your life.
You're going to waste your free time to defeat the Demon King!
Unfortunately, the first step is going to be very hard.
You must first get out of your room (don't worry -- virtually), and you're going to wander around until you find something useful.
Love, hugs, and French kisses,
King Henrik or something the Fourth.
You leave your room after hesitating to turn the doorknob for half an hour, preparing mentally for 2 hours, and explaining why you're leaving your room to your parents for another 40 minutes.
You notice that you can go in two directions after leaving your room. You have the genius realization that the Demon King is not going to be in your house, so you need to first get out of your house.